The Beginning of The End

Exploring the Boundless Horizons of the Henry James Universe: The Long-Awaited Fourth Installment of The Henry James Chronicles is Here at Last!

Victoria asks Mossad for help.

In recent events, Henry has organised the successful launch of their first-ever satellite, which is a significant milestone and a major achievement for Henry’s team. This satellite launch has enabled Henry to set up the Protection Team. They will reach and operate more efficiently in all regions across the globe.

Secondly, Henry has been dedicated towards building a medical center that consists of a specialised unit for prosthetics and rehabilitation. This center is aimed at providing comprehensive healthcare services to all the people that work for Henry. He also wants to make it available to members of the defence force. Especially those who have undergone amputations or sustained other injuries.

Lastly, the new Malö 41 recently sailed to Belize. Unfortunately, Henry has gone missing. The team is actively searching for Henry and taking all necessary measures to ensure his safe return. We hope for his safe return and pray for his well-being.

“The Beginning of The End” is an incredibly captivating and fascinating book, the fourth in an exciting and riveting series known as The Henry James Chronicles. James H Bragg has outdone himself yet again in this action, adventure, and romance-packed novel. This book is sure to hook you in from the very first page with its thrilling suspense, global, and intriguing settings, and most importantly, it’s inspiring characters. James H Bragg has crafted a charming tale, one that is sure to provide hours of entertainment for those who love books. So if you’re looking for a thrilling and enticing new read, look no further than “The Beginning of The End.”

My Next Book

I am thrilled to announce that after many long months of hard work and dedication. While writing my sixth book. I have, decided on the title for this new book.

The Henry James Chronicles: “The Next Chapter”

The Henry James Chronicles: “The Next Chapter” starts where “The Rise and Fall of Henry James” left off. “The Next Chapter,” is a thrilling spinoff. Readers will get to know more about the life, the struggles, and the sacrifices of Henry James’ intimate friend and confidante, Charlize Aaron.

As they set off on this new journey, they will face some difficult decisions while pursuing their goals, the outcome will not always be what they want. But once in a while their actions prove, that luck is on the side on the good guy. With heart-pumping action scenes and moments of self-discovery, “The Next Chapter” guarantees to take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

While waiting, keep an eye out for updates on the release date and pre-ordering options.

This book will also fit into the genre of Action/Adventure 

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